class Bitly4R::Response


A response from the API.

The to_s method should always return the ‘likely’ value, assuming that there is a likely one. For example:

All other response values can be retrieved via method_missing.

NOTE: This is not a sophisticated XML parser. It’s just Regexp’s, with handling for CDATA blocks.



The body of the API response, as XML

Public Class Methods

new(response, to_s_sym=nil) click to toggle source

Constructs a API response wrapper.

response can be:

  • a JSON String, which becomes the body

  • a Net::HTTPResponse, in which case its body is extracted and expected to be in JSON format

to_s_sym is optional, and it references the property which will become the ‘#to_s` value of this Response. It can be either camel-case or underscored. See method_missing.

   # File lib/bitly4r/objects.rb
77 def initialize(response, to_s_sym=nil)
78         response = response.body if Net::HTTPResponse === response
79         @body = response
80         @to_s_sym = to_s_sym
81 end

Public Instance Methods

method_missing(sym, *args) click to toggle source

Provides access to the other properties of the response body via camel-case or underscored names. For example, longUrl and long_url are equivalent. If no such property exists, you’ll get nil.

   # File lib/bitly4r/objects.rb
86     def method_missing(sym, *args)
87 begin
88     json = JSON.parse(@body || '{}')
89 rescue JSON::ParserError => e
90     return nil
91 end
93 # their 'v4/*' JSON convention is snake_case
94 sym = Utility::decamelize(sym.to_s)
95             return json[sym]
96     end
to_s() click to toggle source

Provides the ‘likely’ value from the response.

Calls superclass method
    # File lib/bitly4r/objects.rb
 99 def to_s
100         @to_s_sym  ? self.__send__(@to_s_sym)  : super
101 end
Also aliased as: to_str
Alias for: to_s
to_sym() click to toggle source

Provides the ‘likely’ value from the response, as a symbol.

Calls superclass method
    # File lib/bitly4r/objects.rb
105     def to_sym
106 return super unless @to_s_sym
107 value = self.to_s
108 return value.nil? ? value : value.to_sym
109     end